Friday, 9 March 2012

Mother's Day is upon us.....

And I've had my first EVER commission for a Mother's Day card :D.

I don't sell my cards to be honest- I don't really think they're good enough. I used to sell them years ago but then life changed, situations changed and my general confidence took a nose dive. Maybe this is the start of it coming back again?

I showed the card I made a few posts down (the 'I want to wear pink' one) to my neighbor to get her opinion and her friend asked if I would make a card for her mum- my instructions were to use a photo (that I had to nick off her Facebook) and that she wanted it fairly simple. As the photo was black & white I thought to keep it simple I would go with black, white & silver. The first pic I printed (onto normal card) was pretty grainy but I was able to use a damaged 8x8 card to put a mock up together which I then showed her- she was so happy I thought she was gonna pick me up and swing me round LOL.

After I explained that the card she was holding was only a rough version I came home and made the proper one and this is the result:

I really must pick up a new camera soon as using my phone is driving me nuts!

Right, need to take little one off to nursery - woohooo peace & quiet :)

Catch ya later peeps



  1. That's beautiful - stylish and understated - lovely! xxx Have more confidence!!! xxx

  2. a lovely card im sure they will be delighted
    hugs linda xxx

  3. awww hun this ia a lovely card am not suprised the lady loved it.
    Marie xxxxx

  4. It's beautiful and just right! Love it hun!xx

  5. Oh this is a lovely card Claire :-)

    Paintbox Poppets CD ... Just to let you know I have emailed Crafter's Companion with your address so hopefully you will receive the CD this week. Hope you like it as much as I do and look forward to seeing what you make with it.

    Lisa x

  6. You've done a fabulous job Claire, not surprised she was chuffed to bits! :-) x
